How do you ensure a regional issue becomes a priority for the new provincial government?


CLIENT : Northwest BC Resource Benefits Alliance (RBA)

PROJECT : Integrated communications + public affairs strategy


The Northwest BC Resource Benefits Alliance (RBA) is a group of three regional districts, and the 18 municipalities within them, who have come together to collectively seek a funding agreement with the provincial government.

With such an agreement, the local governments would be able to address service and infrastructure deficits as a result of impacts caused by resource development projects, and allow the Northwest region of BC to plan for future economic and social growth.


We were engaged by the RBA in 2014 and 2015 to develop and execute media relations campaigns. Both campaigns included well-attended news conferences, resulting in widespread pick up. News coverage was achieved in print, radio, tv and online across Canada.

Munro/Thompson was re-engaged in 2017 to develop and execute a robust communications strategy, which included media relations, public affairs and social media campaigns leading up to the 2017 provincial election.


The goal of the 2017 strategy was to increase public awareness and support for a regional funding agreement and to make it a topic of conversation and debate during the provincial election in the Northwest.

The strategy included a communications plan with a primary focus on media and stakeholder relations. We also performed a brand refresh, developed a campaign platform and style guide, and a completely new and updated website. Supporting print materials, including posters, conference materials, infographics and postcards helped to better communicate the goals and purpose of the RBA.

We also filmed and produced short films which provided first-hand perspectives from local residents and elected officials about the lack of sufficient funding and resources within the communities. All the content was pushed out on newly created social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

We secured over 40 traditional media hits in the Northwest during this campaign.


Communications plan

Government relations strategy

Market research

Media relations plan

Campaign platform + style guide

Daily headline curation

Community engagement

Media training

Infographic + animation design

Marketing materials + print brochure

News conference


Traditional + digital advertising

Video production

Social media strategy + implementation


As a result of our efforts, an Insights West poll found 86% of Northwest BC residents felt that resource benefits sharing was needed in the Northwest. In fact, our work with the communications strategy, creative asset development and overall tactical implementation helped increase the RBA’s profile to the point that all provincial electoral candidates referred to the RBA in their political campaigns in the 2017 provincial election.

Finally, and most importantly, the provincial government has now begun funding agreement negotiations with the RBA.

Pieces of Coverage
Online Readership ( Millions )
Estimated Coverage Views ( Thousands )
Social Shares