Peace Valley Landowner Association (PVLA) is a collective of Peace Valley Country residents whose lands, businesses and livelihoods are affected by the Site C dam project. As a non-partisan association, the PVLA works to raise awareness of the impacts of Site C on families and residents in the region, and points to the complications and budget overruns of similar projects in Canadian history. It is the position of PVLA that Site C is detrimental to BC residents both environmentally and financially and that there are more responsible clean energy alternatives.
We were first engaged by PVLA in 2014 to support their communications efforts through the creation of film content and media materials. After many years and ongoing efforts to stop the project, the future of the project was again in question after the 2017 provincial election.
It was at this time that we were re-engaged to support PVLA in its PR efforts to stop Site C. In 2017, we developed and conducted a targeted media relations strategy to raise the profile of the PVLA and its international energy expert, Robert McCullough.
While Mr. McCullough is well recognized in the US media landscape for his involvement in high-profile energy issues, including the Enron trading investigations, he was unknown to BC media outlets. It was our goal to ensure the client’s story and Mr. McCullough’s findings were part of the narrative as media coverage on the issue escalated.
Additionally, as part of the campaign, we produced regular content for media advisories and press releases, email blasts, targeted media pitches and social media content. We also hosted three news conferences in total, and secured news coverage in print, radio, online and television outlets across the province.
Finally, in order to counter the misinformation being shared by opponents and the media, we conceptualized, filmed and produced an informational video on the topic.
Media relations campaign
Press conference planning
Communications strategy
Newsletter curation
Video production
Government relations
Our efforts were successful in amplifying the Peace Valley Landowner Association’s message and positioning Mr. McCullough as the go-to expert for all media outlets throughout the campaign.
Mr. McCullough was quoted as a subject matter expert in the majority of articles covering Site C in the latter part of 2017 and was invited by the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) to present multiple times during their two-month long review. In the BCUC’s final report, Mr. McCullough’s research was cited more than any other contributor. He was also invited to make a private presentation to the BC Cabinet on Site C.