How do you share the story of an iconic landmark?


CLIENT : City of Vancouver

PROJECT : Burrard Bridge Rehabilitation Video


Following its 80th year, the Burrard Bridge underwent safety and structural repairs beginning with the replacement of 27 bearings and 19 expansion joints in the first half of 2014. Two years later, the City of Vancouver began a larger-scale rehabilitation of the bridge with work also focused on improving connections for people walking, cycling, and driving.

Careful planning also went into preserving the unique significance of this Vancouver landmark in cooperation with the city’s heritage community, representatives from the film and television industry, and the city’s health partners.

“It’s an infrastructure project that was handled as a heritage conservation project.”

-Donald Luxton


Munro/Thompson was brought in to produce a short video showcasing the incredible work done on the rehabilitation project. Our task was to highlight the City of Vancouver’s unique approach of combining a civic engineering project with heritage conservation, and share the story of this iconic Vancouver landmark.

Undertaking this project meant making use of specialized filming techniques that highlight improvements to all modes of transportation, daytime aerial shots, as well as night-time videography to capture the unique lighting fixtures that had been restored to resemble their original design.

The video involved interviewing the City of Vancouver’s General Manager of Engineering Services and the heritage consultants who worked on the project.  We also added historical footage of the original construction throughout the piece to provide context to how the bridge has changed over the years.


Directed by Brandon Thompson

Produced by Amanda Munro

Cinematography: Nolan McAllister and David Peacock

Editing: Chris G. Miller

Sound: Andrew Park


Associated Engineering

Graham Construction

Donald Luxton

James Emery

Dave Currie